Thursday, February 18, 2016

Home again!

After well over a month in France and Ireland we got back home just over a week ago, we were quickly reminded that 1, it's the rainy season, it rained pretty much non stop for the first week and 2, plants grow like crazy given warm weather and rain!

Our view on arrival

Looking out from the house
The rain let up a couple of days ago apart from the occasional shower and for a couple of days we were busy getting the garden shipshape once again.

And a week later (tidied up after after the rain!)

This is Vetiver, I cut it back three days before taking this photo, the green shoots have grown since then!

Of course this time of year is also when we get the most fruit from the garden!  While the lychee season finished while we were in Europe we are still getting plenty of passion fruit and goyave and soon we will have bananas and avocados again.  

One of the nice things about having so much fruit about is that people are so casual about sharing the bounty.  As we were leaving for town today our neighbour stopped us to give us a bag of mangos from the trees in their garden (that sort of thing isn't unusual), similarly when our current batch bananas and avacados are ripe no visitor to our house will escape without a bag full!

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